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Alumni Insights | When a Planet Aspires to be a Comet: Embracing the Unknown Future with Lai Li Kuan

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Edited by Rivermore Academy

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Lai who is starting to undergo transformation (Image Sources: Provided by the interviewer)

"If orbiting the sun once around the Earth takes 365 days, I've completed a full 13 orbits, which equals 4,745 days. It's as if I've been revolving around the sun all along, never having glimpsed Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune... So, I think it's time for me to take the leap."

Lai Li Kuan expresses her reality with a touch of romanticism, like a realist who suddenly becomes an idealist one day. Her life has undergone a similar awakening and transformation.

From A to Z, and then Pausing There

"I ventured into the field of beauty immediately, so when it comes to accounting, it's not that I know a little – I truly have no idea about what accounting even is."

As Lai Li Kuan stated, she wasn't initially in the accounting world. She was like a blank slate, unfamiliar with debits and credits, only able to assist with basic tasks as a support staff. Yet, this blank slate quickly filled with numbers from scratch, learning from A to Z.

In fact, she found enjoyment in her accounting work: "I find accounting incredibly intriguing. It's like a puzzle where changes and shifts matter, such as how inputting an incorrect transaction can impact the entire ledger or even determining the significance of which entries should go on which side."

Lai is a person who loves her work; she's practically engrossed in it every day. Concurrently, she's also a dedicated learner. She understands that the field of accounting demands a series of professional certifications and, through part-time study, has acquired the relevant credentials. Of course, she also enjoys reading a variety of genres, as long as they capture her interest – even books like 'Autopsy Reports' find their way into her reading list.

This eagerness to learn also led her to enrol in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

Abundant Gains from the MBA Course

"Every individual enrolling in the MBA program comes from various walks of life, some even being high-ranking executives and business owners in their own right. Whenever I'm doing my coursework, if I encounter an area I'm not very familiar with, I think of my classmates who work in that field. This allows me to seek their guidance, and they're always eager to share their experiences and offer insights, helping me gain a deeper understanding and, in a way, expanding my social network. I genuinely find pursuing an MBA to be quite fascinating."

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Lai who has gained much (Image Sources: Provided by the interviewer)

When asked about her gains from studying MBA at Rivermore Academy, Lai remarked, "Through pursuing the MBA, I've not only gained insights into the functioning of various departments but also have had the chance to learn from professors and, even more so, from my fellow classmates. It's like a 1+1>2 effect. "

Before choosing this MBA course, Lai serendipitously encountered two options – a part-time ACCA course and a part-time MBA course. Ultimately, she went for the MBA, and the rewards she reaped from it made her truly glad she opted for the MBA over ACCA.

Having worked in the accounting industry for 13 years, Lai might have been expected to choose the ACCA course, but a certain thought led her to the MBA program instead.

Insights from the Impact of MCO

"When I was grappling with the decision of whether to pursue ACCA or an MBA, I kept asking myself repeatedly. In truth, I had never really felt a strong urge to become a licensed accountant. Hence, in the end, I chose the MBA, which encompasses multiple departments."

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Lai who is started to enjoy her life (Image Sources: Provided by the interviewer)

What prompted Lai's change was the outbreak of the pandemic, leading to the government's implementation of the Malaysia Movement Control Order (MCO). At that time, the company where Lai was employed came to a standstill for two years, and naturally, she couldn't work during this period. Lai was fortunate enough to avoid layoffs, and the two-year period was sufficient to let her rest, giving her the time to reflect.

Formerly, she worked on weekdays and took up a part-time job in the beauty industry during weekends. Even on public holidays, every moment was devoted to her part-time beauty work – she was the epitome of unwavering determination. Her days were a relentless cycle of work and rest, leaving her neither the energy nor the time to contemplate her own life. However, during these two years of rest, a period that she usually dedicated solely to work, she finally had enough time to reflect on the direction her life should take.

Lai was never someone driven by ambition. While other young individuals and those with more ambitious spirits might have changed jobs or explored different industries within three to five years, she chose to remain at the same company for 13 years – a phase of life when one should typically be exploring the world beyond. It's like in a solar system, where planets forever orbit their star, never straying from their designated paths.

"If orbiting the sun once around the Earth takes 365 days, I've completed a full 13 orbits, which equals 4,745 days. It's as if I've been revolving around the sun all along, never having glimpsed Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune... So, I think it's time for me to take the leap."

The MCO (Movement Control Order) made Lai see many things clearly – she understood what her company could offer her at that time and what it couldn't; gradually, she began to discern what she truly desired. She said, "I've never been fond of the unknown; it makes me feel lost and helpless. But now I realize that the future is filled with question marks. Presently, I approach the unknown with optimism. "

"I only think more and observe more when I have the time. I wonder how things would be if I had left the company earlier?" Lai expressed, "In times of disaster or pandemic, you experience the harsh and ugly sides of human nature. Some remain unchanged, while others gravitate toward the negative. I'm glad I've taken the positive path. My perspective now differs from before. People who see me now, including my current friends, say that it's like I've come alive again."

It was this realization that led Lai to resign and continue pursuing an MBA course, shedding her anxiety toward the unknown and bravely confronting the future. She chose to become a comet destined for the vast universe, with the opportunity to encounter numerous unknown galaxies and vistas along the way.

Take a First Step, Then Embrace the Unknown Future

In fact, Lai hasn't figured out which direction she wants to move towards in the future. She simply believes that without pursuing an MBA, she would still be spinning in the accounting field, and she doesn't want to be bound solely by accounting.

"Life is inherently filled with the unknown; don't be afraid to try. While trying might not always lead to success, not trying means a 0% chance of success." As a woman, she's well aware of societal realities and has experienced the anxiety of changing jobs in her thirties. However, she still conveys encouragement: "I hope all women aren't afraid of change. I hope everyone, like me, faces challenges bravely."

Beyond the gains she mentioned earlier from her MBA, upon updating her resume with the MBA, she unexpectedly received several opportunities. Even though she hadn't actively sought new employment, prominent companies and groups like ByteDance and Shangri-La Hotels had proactively approached her through head-hunters. These positions are all senior roles in various departments.

"I'm really glad I chose the MBA. If I had gone for ACCA, I would have still been trapped in the accounting industry. The MBA taught me a lot and enabled me to pivot to diverse roles."

Now, Lai carries the truths she grasped over those two years, understanding herself clearly and confronting herself truthfully, progressively stepping into a brighter future.



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