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Motivation Oasis | New Thinking, New Drive: The Key to Sustained Business Success

Edited by Rivermore Academy

Have you noticed the recent peculiarities in the job market? Social media is filled with working individuals lamenting the lack of job offers, while, on the other hand, companies' HR or executives express their struggle to find suitable candidates.


Interestingly, these two issues might share a common factor, and that factor is most evident in the challenge of "companies not finding talent."

New Thinking and New Drive is the key to sustained business success
(Image Sources: Rivermore Academy)

Why is Talent in Short Supply?

Employee with various roles
Employee with various roles (Image Sources: Canva)

In today's workplace, there's a peculiar phenomenon where companies expect employees to possess a diverse set of skills, capable of taking on various roles or tasks. While this strategy may seem aimed at cost savings, it's apparent that such versatile talents are rare.


Even if a company is fortunate enough to find such a versatile individual, they need to consider how to retain them. After all, multi-skilled talents are in demand everywhere, and companies risk losing them to competitors. Naturally, companies often think of improving benefits to retain such talents.


However, have you considered that training is also a significant benefit, and in fact, one of the best?


Training Brings New Perspectives and Energizes the Workforce

Training leads to company success
Training leads to company success (Image Sources: Canva)

Training, as the name suggests, involves companies encouraging employees to continue their education or pursue specific skills or courses. Some companies and employees may resist learning, thinking it wastes time and money. However, both need to understand that a trained workforce brings new vitality to both the individual and the company.


Training can introduce employees to fresh perspectives, leading to new work methodologies and subsequently, improved efficiency and profitability. If companies are willing to provide training opportunities and communicate the benefits to employees, both the company and the individual can experience growth and development. Companies must be flexible to cater to market demands, and training employees can offer them new insights and innovative thinking, thus driving overall business development.


In this way, companies need not worry about a shortage of talent, nor do they need to fear losing skilled individuals due to a lack of learning or development opportunities.


As the saying goes, "you're never too old to learn." Currently, numerous institutions offer continuing education and training opportunities for working professionals. Even national universities, such as those in Malaysia, actively contribute to this cause.


Therefore, if a company aims for sustained development, training is indispensable. For employees, training stands as the most significant benefit to elevate their careers.



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