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Knowledge Galaxy | Engineering Business Administration: Is It the Ideal ESG Solution?

Edited by Rivermore Academy

Engineering Business Administration
(Image Sources: Rivermore Academy)

ESG, the buzzword of the moment, has people flocking to explore this emerging field and its related professions. Even if your current job isn't directly linked to ESG, today's society compels many to acquire ESG-related knowledge, if not qualifications.

A quick internet search reveals ESG-related positions in Malaysia offering salaries of over RM 5,000 and even exceeding RM 10,000. Singapore goes a step further by categorizing ESG-related jobs as highly sought after, with correspondingly higher salaries.

Salary of ESG related job in Malaysia
Salary of ESG related job in Malaysia (Image Sources: Jobstreet))

However, major Malaysian universities currently offer limited, if any, programs directly related to ESG.

In such a landscape, individuals with foresight may have to seek alternatives. One such path is Engineering Business Administration, a course that indirectly aligns with ESG goals.

ESG Roles: A Balancing Act Between Business and Engineering

ESG, Business, Engineering
(Image Sources: Rivermore Academy)

Different companies have diverse needs when it comes to ESG roles. Financial institutions may require ESG analysts to promote ESG-related investments. Meanwhile, technology companies might look for ESG engineers to devise relevant strategies.

Engineering Business Administration, an interdisciplinary program blending business and engineering, is an excellent choice for those seeking ESG-related roles in Malaysia where direct ESG programs are lacking.

Looking at the ESG programs offered by universities in other parts of the world, they commonly include economics and management from the business side and engineering from the technical side.

The Role of Business Studies in ESG

From a business perspective, ESG professionals equipped with business knowledge can assist in developing ESG strategies, evaluating the financial feasibility of ESG initiatives, promoting ESG-related investments and financing, and enhancing ESG-related marketing and branding.

The Role of Engineering in ESG

From an engineering perspective, ESG professionals with engineering knowledge can design sustainable engineering projects, sustainable supply chains, sustainable project management, and systems or data for environmental management and monitoring.

Both business and engineering play different yet complementary roles in ESG. Business supports the development and dissemination of ESG practices, while engineering ensures the actual implementation of ESG.

Suppose one possesses knowledge only in business or engineering; in that case, they are limited to roles in their respective areas. However, individuals who opt for Engineering Business Administration can equip themselves with knowledge from both directions, allowing them to lead in ESG fields from multiple angles.


How Engineering Business Administration Aligns with ESG

1. Sustainability Management: The curriculum of Engineering Business Administration includes principles of sustainability, teaching students how to consider the environmental sustainability of engineering projects and businesses. This includes reducing resource consumption, minimizing waste, and lowering environmental impact.

2. Sustainable Supply Chains: The program encompasses supply chain and logistics-related courses, enabling students not only to manage supply chains effectively but also to ensure that supply chain activities align with ESG standards.

3. Corporate Governance: Students delve into corporate governance principles, preparing them to take on roles in supervising and governing a company's ethics, compliance, and social responsibility.

4. Project Management: Project management is a core aspect of Engineering Business Administration. While specific ESG-related courses might be limited, other program elements touch upon project management, preparing students to lead and manage ESG-related projects.


Engineering Business Administration: A Necessity Amidst Limited Choices

Despite Malaysia's continuous efforts to catch up with international trends, progress takes time. Some areas are still in their infancy, or in some cases, still in the drafting stages.

However, with the unstoppable rise of ESG, waiting until it's forced upon us is not a wise strategy. Taking proactive steps now can be the key to success.

Engineering Business Administration offers a chance to gain recognition in the ESG sector, even in a landscape where options seem limited. It's not a perfect solution, but sometimes, it's the only solution available.



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