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Alumni Insights | A Year of Abundant Harvest: Danny Chea's MBA Journey

Edited by: Rivermore Academy

"I had been contemplating a higher position for a while, but I was unsure how to make myself visible to potential employers. Now, armed with an MBA, aware of job openings, I applied the company directly. The result? I not only got the job but also received a salary increase of over 40%!"


After dedicating a year to an MBA program focused on professional growth, Danny Chea has proudly earned his master's degree, stepping up to a higher role and enjoying a considerable salary rise, all within the same industry.

Danny Chea01
(Image Sources: Provided by student)

Securing an MBA: A Gateway to Promotion

Danny has spent a decade navigating the sales industry. While his title may suggest a focus solely on sales, his role encompasses consultancy, construction, and security, making his scope of work quite extensive.


Danny Chea and his team
Danny Chea and his team (Image Sources: Provided by student)

Through consultancy and design of broadcast systems, Danny ensures that in emergencies, sound systems can effectively guide crowds to safety. This is crucial for enhancing building security and safeguarding public safety. His expertise in this specialized field not only showcases his technical prowess but also reflects his concern and commitment to people's safety.


Danny's specialized knowledge and experience in this particular field undoubtedly provide him with a unique competitive advantage in the sales industry, earning him the trust and respect of clients. His professional background and skills, coupled with his profound understanding of industry safety standards, enable him to stand out in his field.


Moreover, in 2022, Danny chose to pursue a professional MBA at Rivermore Academy, completing his studies and earning his MBA a year later. With such qualifications and an MBA certificate in hand, Danny's career trajectory resembles that of a rocket soaring to new heights. He swiftly secured an offer from another company, transitioning from a sales assistant/product manager to the role of Sales Director. Along with the elevated position came a salary increase of over 40%.


Promotion and salary increments are no longer a dream for Danny in his current reality.



Sharpening the Sword: Standing Out from the Crowd


In reality, Danny had been considering a change in industry or profession for quite some time. Recognizing the inappropriateness of abruptly resigning to seek new employment in a crowded job market, he pondered on what he could offer besides a decade of experience.


With this contemplation in mind, Danny decided to join Rivermore Academy's professional MBA program to enhance his soft skills and acquire new knowledge. His decision, as proven, turned out to be the right one.


In today's world dominated by data, nearly every business requires data for decision-making. However, understanding how to find and present data is another challenge. The various courses within the professional MBA program, such as human resource management, business ethics, and project papers, proved immensely beneficial to Danny's work.


Of course, experience plays a crucial role. Danny recently completed a major project, making his company the first and only one in Malaysia to add a PA system to tunnels. He contributed to over 50% of the R&D work and successfully led his team to complete the project flawlessly. This achievement even led to an invitation from the Singapore government for a "Proof of Concept," resulting in the closure of three roads for the project.


With an MBA certificate and such credentials, Danny secured the desired offer in his first interview. Despite his joy, he couldn't help but worry about meeting others' expectations. His cautious nature, much like his initial decision to pursue an MBA, led him not to immediately promise outstanding results but to first understand how the new company operates.

PA system testing
PA system testing (Image Sources: Provided by student)


More Than One Masterpiece: A Bountiful "Field"


Cautious decision-making not only earned Danny an MBA certificate but also opened numerous possibilities, yielding abundant achievements in his future career.


"I'm truly grateful to Rivermore Academy for giving me the opportunity to continue learning."


Danny sincerely expressed his gratitude. Initially aiming only for an MBA certificate, he didn't expect to learn much, given his limited knowledge. However, he discovered that as long as he earnestly listened and learned, the knowledge and skills gained were substantial.


In addition to the mentioned courses, organizational behaviour management, marketing intelligence, entrepreneurship, and others inspired Danny on how to obtain precise market data and lead his team in the right direction. Project Papers 1 and 2 provided him with opportunities for hands-on practice, allowing him to collect and present data in his own thesis.


"The knowledge and teachers provided by Rivermore Academy are of high quality." Having experienced teachers who guided students rather than leaving them to self-study, Danny is particularly grateful. He extends special thanks to his thesis supervisor, Tuan Mohd Salleh Taib, for his well-arranged guidance and insights.


"I hope to see more offline classes, where I can meet a large group of executives and beauty!" Since participating in the annual physical class, Danny successfully connected with people from different social strata, including the founder of MOHD CHAN, who opened more than 20 Muslim Chinese restaurants in Malaysia. He also observed individuals senior than him continuing to learn. Through these encounters, he learned their mindset, contributing to his learning journey.


"Learning is not just for the certificate; the certificate is just proof. Applying what you learn is crucial."


Danny concludes with this heartfelt realization.

Danny Chea and his classmates
Danny Chea and his classmates (Image Sources: Rivermore Academy)


Overcoming Rough Roads: Aspiring to Summit the Mountains


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(Image Sources: Provided by student)

Discussing future goals, Danny states that he plans to stabilize the Malaysian market for the upcoming challenge at his new company. This strategic adjustment is necessary before venturing into a new company, profession, environment, and role, presenting considerable challenges in the coming year. Despite this, when he speaks of "challenges," there is no hint of pain in his expression.


"Because I love this industry, and I've gained a certain level of knowledge about it, not to mention the many things I've learned in the MBA. Now, even if I encounter more problems, there will be more solutions."


Looking ahead, Danny continues to overcome more challenges, climb higher mountains, and gaze upon broader vistas, conquering every peak along the way.



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